Liberation Drum Circles is equal parts a community music school, a peace and justice circle, and a youth development center.
Liberation Drum Circles is a labor of love. If you’d like to support our work, please donate here. 100% of your donations will go towards youth development & programming. Venmo @martinurbach or use the PayPal button below.
Percussion: We believe in drumming in the community as a way to build bridges amongst people, and heal the world.
Liberation: We are committed to defending the human rights of the oppressed in the struggle for collective liberation.
Activism: We recognize that we are the change makers the world needs and that
activism is our duty.
Youth: We recognize youth as an integral part of humanity. We celebrate, center and cherish youth.
Singing: We are committed to singing for ourselves, in our own communities and to singing alongside new comrades, friends and co-conspirators as we “make the revolution irresistible!” (Toni Cade Bambara)
Drumbeats for Justice
The Spectrum, July 19th, 2017
The dozen or so teachers were stomping their feet, clapping their hands and chanting:
“We who believe in freedom cannot rest … ” they shouted and sang, standing in a circle inside a classroom at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
Taped to walls of that room were slogans and quotes from such iconic social activists and thinkers as Angela Davis, Paul Coelho, Bell Hooks and others promoting social and political equality.